The CDC has always been a great resource to find information on any disease. It also has easy to follow guideline and other resources for both healthcare workers and patients but can be hard to navigate. Click here and it will take you directly to information on COVID-19.
Thank you to the CDC for the continuous update on the COVID-19 vaccinations.
Unsure of why you should get the COVID-19 vaccine? The Alaska COVID-19 Task force have provided multiple reasons on the benefits of being vaccinated. Take a look at this handout as it may help you to answer all those mind burning questions.
Thank you to Alaska COVID-19 dashboard and COVID-19 team for keeping Alaskans up to date.

Take a look at alaska's current numbers of Vaccinated COVID-19 individuals
Need to make an appointment and unsure of where to go? Click on link below and it will take you to AK COVID dashboard where you can find a location best fit for you.
As we start to see break-up season happening around us, that can only mean one thing... That spring is here and summer is right around the corner. Healthy Alaskans focus on a plan for improvement in Alaska's health. Click below to adventure through all the resources available to the Alaskan community.